15 de septiembre de 2019

Roque Baños – The Girl in the Spider’s

Compositor: Roque Baños | Disco: The Girl in the Spider’s | Genero: Soundtrack | Año: 2018 | Formato: Lossless-FLAC | Ripeado: WEB | Tamaño: 413 MB | Compresor: 7zip | Servidor: Multi | Password: F.R.E.E-B.S.O | Artwork: No | Label: Sony Classical | audiochecker


01. Prologue – Lisbeth’s Childhood [05:08]
02. Main Title – The Birth of a Dragon [01:36]
03. Lisbeth’s Lair [01:53]
04. You Have a Sister [03:12]
05. NSA Attack [03:17]
06. Lisbeth Tries Firefall [01:22]
07. Nightmare / Home Invasion [03:08]
08. Motorcycle Chase [03:09]
09. Elevators Meeting [02:57]
10. Balder’s Apartment [03:11]
11. Tattoo Looking Glass [03:35]
12. Balder Shot [03:34]
13. Chasing August [02:18]
14. Drawbridge Encounter [04:04]
15. Firefall Answer [02:24]
16. Airport Needham Free [05:55]
17. Lisbeth Goes In [02:07]
18. Invading Family Home [03:00]
19. Masks Fight [03:23]
20. Vacuum Bag [03:03]
21. Remote Fire [05:10]
22. You Can’t Blame Me [04:33]
23. Burning the Past [02:06]
24. Lisbeth’s Theme [Fede Alvarez Plays] [01:50]
25. Camilla’s Theme [Roque Baños Plays] [01:59]
26. Wounded Tattoo [Bonus Track] [03:01]
27. Lisbeth Drugged [Bonus Track] [02:06]
28. August & Lisbeth Plays Chess [Bonus Track] [02:35]
29. Family Home [Bonus Track] [01:58]